The Heroes of Olympus


whats'up? I hope everything good :) 

During quarantine I bought a Kindle, that means the electronic device to read books. I have already read 6 of them.. I really love to read. 

Right now I'm reading The great Gatsby by F.S. Fitzgerald, but I'd like to talk about another book, or better to say a book series. 

I'm talking about the "Heroes Universe" written by Rick Riordan, which for me represent a very interesting way to do literature. Riordan is an american teacher, which in 2005 decided to write a fantasy novel talking about Greek demigods. 

Most of us know legends about Perseus, Hercules and the other demigods, but but Riordan's approach is completely modern! He is talking about Greek gods... nowadays. The main character, Percy Jackson is son of a God but he lives in the current New York. 

The plots are very interesting, but in general what I like of this book series is the possibility to "study" some myths which I have forgot or which I have never heard before. After the Greek part, Riordan also added the Roman one, the Egyptian one and the Old Norse one. 

Myths as Poseidon, Iuppiter, Thor and Anubi lives now in the same Universe... and sometimes they can even meet... I don't want to spoiler anything but if you like fantasy I think that this serie is made for you! 

I want to finish this blog with a funny story. During the first semester, in my university, I was attending an italian literature class. In a poem we were analyzing we found the mythological figure of the Hesperides. Our teacher asked us if we knew who they are... I answered that they were nymphs who guarded the garden of Era's golden apples. The answer was correct... and it was thanks to Percy Jackson :) 

Let me know if you are also reading something during the quarantine!


  1. Gosh, I've seen a movie based on this book, but I haven't had time to read it yet. :(

    1. yeah move are not that good :/ but books are nice :) especially first penthalogy!


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