The Nic's life at the time of Coronavirus

#ZostanWDomu. #IoStoACasa

Everyone is writing this to face the Coronavirus' threat. The virus is THAT strong that he can survive even in the air they say. And it is very good to pass from one person to another. In other worlds, it is almost impossible to escape from him. 

Some recommendations: Don't hug. Don't kiss. Don't make love (IS THAT BLOG RATED R?). WASH YOUR HANDS AT LEAST FIFTYFIVE TIMES IN ONE DAY. 

Dramatic. This is the way in which I have to spend my life during my 25 years. 

Well.... my dear virus. Can I talk with you as you were my friend? I mean.. in english it doesn't make a so big difference. 

BRO, you did not change anything. During first semestr I went out just... twice? I went to disco last time.... in july? I drank to death last time in... october? You know what? I got used to stay home long time before you entered in my life. And what about hugs and kisses? My girlfriend lives in Italy (well right now she is in Sicily... is that really Italy?*)... I saw her one month before and right now I can't hug or kiss her even if I want. So you failed even in that. AND I USED TO WASH MY HANDS EVEN BEFORE. My mum told me that is important when I was a kid. You are very bad virus. At least plague and cholera had good names. Coronavirus... How can I tell to my sons and daughters "I have lived in Coronavirus times" and pretend that they take me seriously?

Bro. You are a failure. Mankind is not perfect, but still enough strong to defeat you... don't worry. I remember you that just last year Avengers defeated Thanos. You wont' be that bad. 

Hope to not hear you again,

Best regards



Seriously talking... Virus has a bad name but it is actually dangerous. Don't understimate him... Unfortunately Italy is the perfect example to that. Stay home, hang in there for a while. You can write your blogs, start your thesis. And check moodle. There are some tasks there. 

#ZostanWDomu #IoStoACasa


  1. I love this post! It's so funny! And I think we need a lot of humour now, because otherwise we will all go crazy...


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